
The following table provides a brief overview of the measures used in this benchmark. Unfortunately, the identifiers used under the hood do not directly correspond to measure names and abbreviations as used in the paper.

  • ID refers to the shorthand used in the result files listed above.
  • mlr3 ID refers to the measure as it is implemented in mlr3proba
  • Label refers to the measure as it is named consistently throughout the paper and resulting plots.
ID mlr3 ID Label
harrell_c surv.cindex Harrell’s C
uno_c surv.cindex Uno’s C
rcll surv.rcll Right-Censored Log Loss (RCLL)
rcll_erv surv.rcll Right-Censored Log Loss (RCLL) [ERV]
intlogloss surv.intlogloss Re-weighted Integrated Survival Log-Likelihood (RISLL)
intlogloss_erv surv.intlogloss Re-weighted Integrated Survival Log-Likelihood (RISLL) [ERV]
logloss surv.logloss Re-weighted Negative Log-Likelihood (RNLL)
logloss_erv surv.logloss Re-weighted Negative Log-Likelihood (RNLL) [ERV]
brier_improper surv.brier Integrated Survival Brier Score (ISBS)
brier_improper_erv surv.brier Integrated Survival Brier Score (ISBS) [ERV]
dcalib surv.dcalib D-Calibration
caliba_ratio surv.calib_alpha Van Houwelingen’s Alpha


The following table gives a summary of the included datasets (tasks) in the benchmark.

# tasks = load_task_data()
tasktab = load_tasktab()

tasktab |>
  dplyr::select(task_id, n, p, events, censprop, n_uniq_t) |>
  dplyr::arrange(-n) |>
    n = n,
    p = p,
    events = events,
    censprop = round(100 * censprop, 1),
    n_uniq_t = n_uniq_t
  ) |>
  setNames(c("Dataset", "N", "p", "Events", "Censoring %", "# Unique Time Points")) |>
  reactable::reactable(sortable = TRUE, filterable = TRUE, pagination = FALSE)


This table shows the models (learners) used in the benchmark with their mlr3 IDs and additional metadata.

  • “Parameters” is 0 for learners such as KM, NA, CPH, which do not have any hyperparameters. It is also 0 for CoxBoost, which uses its own tuning method.
  • “Internal CV” indicates learners internally perform CV, e.g., glmnet, CoxBoost.
  • “Encode” indicates whether treatment encoding is performed as part of the pre-processing pipeline before the learner sees the data.
  • “Scale” analogously indicates whether scaling to unit variance and 0 mean is performed.
  • “Grid Search” indicates whether the tuning space was small enough to perform exhaustive grid search with fewer than 50 evaluations
lrntbab = load_lrntab()

lrntab |>
  dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.logical), \(x) ifelse(x, "\u2705", ""))) |>
    align = "llccccc",
    col.names = c("Learner", "mlr3 ID", "Parameters", "Internal CV", "Encode", "Scale", "Grid Search")
  ) |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling() |>
  kableExtra::column_spec(2, width = "5%") |>
  kableExtra::column_spec(3, width = "5%") |>
  kableExtra::column_spec(4, width = "20%") |>
  kableExtra::column_spec(7, width = "25%") 
Learner mlr3 ID Parameters Internal CV Encode Scale Grid Search
KM surv.kaplan 0
NL surv.nelson 0
AK surv.akritas 1
CPH surv.coxph 0
GLMN surv.cv_glmnet 1
Pen surv.penalized 2
AFT surv.parametric 1
Flex surv.flexible 1
RFSRC surv.rfsrc 5
RAN surv.ranger 5
CIF surv.cforest 5
ORSF surv.aorsf 2
RRT surv.rpart 1
MBST surv.mboost 4
CoxB surv.cv_coxboost 0
XGBCox surv.xgboost 6
XGBAFT surv.xgboost 8
SSVM surv.svm 4